Sunday, July 19, 2009


2 eggs
2 tablespoons melted butter
1 cup milk
1/2 cup water
1 cup flour
1/4 tsp salt
1 tablespoon sugar
(This recipe will make 4 servings, and can be doubled or tripled easily. Make sure to use either a food processor or an electric mixer, the bigger batches can't be mixed very well by hand.)

Beat the eggs, slowly beat in the melted butter. Whisk in the milk+water. Add the flour, salt, and sugar.

At this point, if it's too thick, I add more liquid until I get a consistency I like. I usually add more milk--if you add too much water, the edges will get too crispy when you cook them. If you're not sure of the consistency, make a crepe and see if you like how it turns out.

Pour a small amount on an ungreased griddle or a nonstick pan with a ladle. Spread it out with the back of the ladle. Flip and cook on the other side. Let them cool on a cooling rack, then stack them on a plate. They dry out easily, so keep them covered. Enjoy with jam and nutella!

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